HELUKABEL Group Compliance Guidelines


As an international, family-run company that has been in business for many years, we believe it is important to have the trust of our business partners, our employees and the public. Our reputation is built on the conduct of every single employee, which is why we insist they act in an ethically impeccable and legally compliant manner. We are committed to meeting our responsibilities to our business partners and our employees around the globe.

Framework for our actions

Compliance - adherence to applicable laws, regulations, standards and guidelines - is the basis of our actions. Observing the rules is a given. We see it as our duty to absolutely reject doing business or entering into a transaction if there is even the slightest suspicion it does not comply with these rules. To give our business partners and employees an insight into our understanding of values and the law, we have a Code of Conduct and other guidelines in place that serve as binding standards for the actions of our employees. These compliance guidelines provide a framework for the other more detailed regulations.

Our compliance structure

Our shareholders and management are committed to strictly complying with applicable laws, regulations, standards and guidelines. To make sure this happens throughout the entire HELUKABEL Group, we have introduced the following "Compliance Circle":

Compliance Circle consisting of  three components: Prevent, Recognise, React


Through internal guidelines, communication, advice and training, employees learn what conduct is expected of them. Employees can seek advice on how to interpret the Code of Conduct and other regulations at any time from the Compliance Office.


Compliance is regularly monitored through internal and, in some cases, external compliance reviews.

A notification from employees or external business partners to the Compliance Office about misconduct or a potential breach is not only welcome but expressly encouraged at any time and helps us, as a learning company, make any improvements needed. Information is treated confidentially and the whistleblower does not have to fear any consequences from raising the alarm. We apply the principle that no one should suffer any prejudice in our company as a result of observing the law and our compliance standards.

Submit a report: Whistleblowing System Speak Up


Helukabel wants to be an attractive employer and reliable business partner. We want to constantly develop and improve our processes and our conduct. If grievances or even breaches are identified in a compliance review, Helukabel undertakes to respond appropriately, improve the relevant processes and punish potential breaches.

On a final note, we would like to quote Robert Bosch who sums up our understanding of compliance very well:

"In the long term, an honest and fair approach to doing business will always be the most profitable one." Robert Bosch (1921)